Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Stretch

Well, here we are, sitting on 1 September 2010, 3 months and 10 days to go until ordination. Unbelievable!

Homiletics is the main thrust now. Our instructors are trying to get us (my 9 brothers on this journey) ready for the ambo. Not an easy job for them (I'll leave it to the reader to figure out who the "them" is).

We are now also heavy into practicums (marriage, baptism, baptism seminars and funerals) as well as a practicum on how to be a deacon serving at Mass. In addition to all of this we have moral theology and Grace, Christology and Eccleisiology and probably the richest semester of Spiritual formation ever, and we have had some good ones.

Hopefully, by 11 Dec 2010, I will be, as they say, "fully formed" (at least until that point).